Fem!Hibari ad Tsuna are neko-chans.
So, the day started much like any other. Woke up after not harming the phone by slamming in on the bed...I do that sometimes. Went downstairs, wash face, ate breakfast ( Hao Liao Instant Prawn Mee, yum!) Read newspaper, wait for 10, go upstairs, waste time, come down, shower, get ready for school.
Going to school was pretty normal. Reached just minutes before the bell rang. We're going to use a new timetable...which P.E. sucks like hell. We have it straight after Recess. I mean, HOW COULD A SCHOOL DO THAT?! Plus it's pretty hot in the afternoon nowdays...I bet we'll be sweating a swimming pool out there. Luckily, we have maths after that...no one really pays attention to the teach, a really nice lady so yeah. You try and guess how it'll be. * I already know and IDK if I should like it or not*
So, I found a couple of KHR character theme songs...from the REBOCON Red/Blue concert...WHY CAN'T I GO?! T______T''''
First of all, this is awesome! Vongola vs Varia vs Millefiore
And this, Xanxus's Flaming Rage ( God, it actually sounded like Evanescence)
Fran's Special Illusion ( he sounds so cute XDD)
Hibari's Akashi
Mukuro's End:Res
A kid in my van kept on talking about Space Hamsters and then all of a sudden he asked this other kid " LION, WHERE'S MY SPACE HAMSTER?!" and the kid was like a deer caught in headlights with his shocked, wide eyes and that face. THAT PRICELESS FACE! Omoooo, that was so freakin funny!
1 comment:
Hehe the trick to doing eyes is just making a line to guide where you want your eyes to be. That way your eyes will always be aligned and you can do slight adjustments to make them similar. It's tedious sometimes but it's worth it in the end.
Keep it up man, I can notice the small improvements you make. You probably don't know but every night you draw, your brain subconsciously programs your muscle memory to remember those strokes. So the strokes in this post compared to ones in the past look much more lax- which means progress =)
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