* you still have a long ways to go*

Seiichiro Ayumi, one of Sano's 10 illegitimate siblings, the 7th, a Kitsuneki Childe. Basicly, she's a demi-yokai, descending from one of the major tribes, daughter of a pack leader. Because of this, she was often made fun of by the other clan heirs, they claim that demi-kitsune are inferior to those of full blooded status.
She was outcasted as soon as her mother died and set out to find Kagami, her sire. Tracking him down, she cornered him and was going to kill him before a certain orange haired toddler asked " Why do you have tails and fox ears, Neko-chan?" * RM 10 to who gets it right XDD JK*
Enraveled by how the kid innocently asked and why the kid didn't burst out crying as soon as she gave off a killer aura, she decided to spare Kagami, on behalf of the little one. She finally acknowledged that she was indeed a demi-yokai and watched over the toddler in the darkness.
The teach kinda rejected it since it would cost a lot of monay and our budget is around Rm 20 -25 so yeah. Why didn;t you tell me where was a price problem? I could have toned it down...But this is awesome and I might just make one for myself when I have moolah to spare...erm, click for a bigger pic, I guess.
It's been an eventful Saturday...well, not so. I finally found out how to connect to the internet by using my phone for me to use on my netbook when my home modem is nuts. It's still slow but at least I online, right?
I would like to give thanks to Snug-kun for the advice. Let's just say that I'm more of a do-it-as-I-go person and not the one who follows something exactly. People usually draw all those things on a piece of paper before even beginning to start the proper drawing and I'm the Yamamoto-styled artist, being carefree. Well, thanks again!
Yet another week of no submiting anything for my DA page...The freakin exams are one the 9th of March....Aigoo, I'll have to start studying properly. Wish me luck.
I know, it's a short post. Actually, I kinda feel like I should stay out of the house for a time. Or Forever. It's not fun staying here, where everyone thinks that I'm a brainless idiot who whines a lot. Hell, my parents called me stupid, if not for the millionth time. I know, we get called that everyday by our friends * I do and it's usually for a funny reason XDD Among those are Buffoon, Moron and I laugh everytime* but when a parent says that, it's like being a third child in the Shadow Children series. Hated and misunderstood.
Currently trying to finish a horror short of KHR, song fic of Halloween by the Kagamine Twins and a song fic of Wu Zhuang De Qiang Wei ( Armed Rose) by Y2J about Sano. * gets shot* REBORN! FINISH SHORTS AS IF I WERE TO DIE! HUAAAAAAA!
Your friend,
Seiichiro Sano