I finally caught up with [switch] after missing it for nearly a year because of stupid Mangafox.
I LOLed at Usagi-chan's comment XDD
Haiz...I was sick and I couldn't find my netbook ( speaks with the thug accent) * it was undar these pile of clothes, capish?* XD
Went to the doctor on Monday night after following my parents to send back their friend's car, which we borrowed for two weeks because my dad got into an accident and the whole car was smashed * but he wasn't hurt, no* I've been coughing for a week and this week's exam week so that's probably the only reason why he decided to send me there XDD
The doc said my lungs were congested and I had a slight fever * which I didn't notice at all* so take it easy. I didn't go to school the next day because my dad told me so and spent the day sleeping because I was tired and also because the cough medicine the doc prescriped me was the drowsy type.
Well, Monday was yaoi-fill and I felt like crying because I was so damn happy and I couldn't keep this grin off my face. Baka-Itachi and Keran.
Keran uke.
Baka-Itachi seme
Happiness all the way
And in front of a teach. She didn't even NOTICE! RAWR YAOI!
The witnesses: Me, Usagi-chan, Velrooban, Siva and the others in the classroom who weren't paying attention during maths.
Okay, calm down, think of the exams....think of straight pairings....Think of SasuSaku...okay, that does it, I hate SasuSaku.
Kekeke, and you wonder why there're banshees at a Yaoi-con.
So, I probably flunked my BM, History and Science =_=''''
History..well, I didn't really study for it.
Science...was confusing and I was drowsy because I took some meds during Recess.
BM....has always been my downfall, besides Agama.
Well...it can't get any worse than this...right?
I'll hope for the best for tomorrow
And I lost my glasses. Again.
Although I'm nearsighted, I prefer to be able to see everything clear and not a blur. I'm pretty sure my eye power's shot up because I can't see your face properly if you're 8-10 meters away from me. Hehe...if they stay missing, I could get myself a new pair! XDD
OSHARE BANCHOU!!!! Love this song, it's so catchy! XD
Mukuro and Hibari are so perverted =_=''' Why couldn't they make a Yaoi ver of this?
Your Friend,
Seiichiro Sano
1 comment:
LOL. i thought you looked like a nun or something during school XD
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