Right before the party at the park
Well, my Thursday and Friday was pretty normal....I cut my fringe~
A morning school teach told me off since it was 2 months overdue of a cut and my * certain someone* said I couldn't cut my damn hair until the end of the year * which I will ask my friends to cut when it get's too long* , I decided to deal with it myself...and it makes me look like Harry Potter in the Chamber of Secrets movie...ah, the irony.
My friends, think it awesome but they prefer the longer fringe...which they say makes me look cuter and I was like " Guy cute, right?" " Well, in a girly kinda way, yea" and gloom encased me. Oh well, better being a cute guy than an jerk.
And the cowlicks on the left side of my head are getting worse XD
Not that I dislike it, it's just that I was born with naturally curly hair. My hair looked like maggi noodles when I was a kid, it practicly was dark brown curly telephone wires everywhere so that would explain them, them cowlicks. IF you don't know what those are, it's basicly like this. Let's say your hair's going south. A tuft or a bunch of your hair's going North, and it's suspended by...air? On itself.
Still don't know? Look at Italy and Canada in Hetalia.
Any looks of a heartthrob? Just joking XP
I think I only strained my wrist when I arm wrestled with Usagi-chan, haha. It actually when 'THUNK' and slipped down XD It's back to normal now...but I think I'll lay back because I am not ambidextrous ( meaning I can use both of my hands properly for things, unlike the righty I am). That was me getting ready for school. With my pencil box and Sano Book.
And for the record, my hair's original and not a damn copy of that Justin Bieber. Pisses me off when people think so.
The park party....for Chinese New Year
CENDOOOOLLLLL STALLLLLL!!!!! Hehe....it was delicious. Notice the guy? He's the one that got married and he's like 20 or something XP
The park party for CNY or something like that. I'm glad that the cendol was still there...the last time they had a party...the cendol finished early =_='''
I finally got to write this post, after waking up to my mom banging my door because some of my relatives came...completely spoiling my sleep, lol.
Well, I went for a late night movie yesterday...I watched the Adjustment Burea...I wanted to see ' I Am Number Four' but...as usual, I couldn't see it because it was really late. It was interesting, about this man who really want to be with this woman but their plans weren't in sinc...well, the present. They were connected in the past, in previous other plans but as we know, nothing's that straight forward. It's like cheating god with his plans that you have, a total rewrite of the history etched in stone for you.
Yeap, all those emo fan fics aren't good for my brain XD
Your friend,
Seiichiro Sano
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