So yeah, yet another god-knows-when-I-last-blogged-post.
This month is the fasting month...so we fast.
Okay, delete that. Restart.
So yeah, I am here today to just...gods, I don't know what to write about leh. +_+
So...I'll just type randomly.
Exams have just finished, feck yes.
I finally draw girls properly, oh yeah.
My hair's getting too long...and I look like Daniel Radcliffe when he was in the Goblet of Fire, oh shit.
My dad is hooked on Baking King, Kim Tak Gu/Goo @ Bread, Love and Dreams, Awkward much.
Re-watching Hana Kimi, hell yeah.
Trying to be active on all sites, ...
Is fasting cuz it's Ramadan, okay...
Drawings are awesome, heya.
Usagi's laptop is fried, OH HELL NO!
Will try to blog properly tomorow.