1. Make a post containing:
1. Make a post containing:
- Say thank you to the person who gave you the award
- Write about the person who gave you the award
- Write about yourself
- There's a banner code and award
- Give this award to 9 blogger friends
- Don't forget to leave a message on their tagboard
Say thank you to the person who gave you the award
Clarissa Ng, ARIGATOU GONZAIMAS!!!! Hee~
Write about the person who gave you the award
Hrmm...I call her Usagi-chan and I met her last year at school...we got together because we both liked anime and our interest of Yaoi! She's pretty and she has an awesome additude that's like " Shut the hell up, I was born for this" XDDD She's a cool person to hang with...but don't get her mad or she'll smack you. And she hits like a dude XD We have ass slapping, ass knocking, hand slapping, hand wrestling, and various other mini tournoments at school XD
* but I think I broke my hand ligament and thus, can't arm wrestle with my right hand properly, nor can I throw the lontar peluru XD, not that I'm blaming your or anything ^_^''*
I envy her deeper voice. Period.
A little story of meh.
Well, you all know my name, I'm Earl Seiichiro Sano, 14 years of age, major veteran Otaku, loves to draw hot girls and guys, LOVES YAOI TO DEATH and has an addiction to my own, drawn and 2D men with muscles and tattoes * examples: 21 year old Seiichiro Sano, Hibari Kyoya, Haine Rammiester, Dino Cavalonne, Francois Seiichiro, Frau*
So I'm just a Teen who always seems to be broke, love listening to music, loves to take photographs, loves to shoot MVs...or just plain goof off vids and is different from the rest. I am musically challanged as it seems that I can't play any instrument properly XD but I think that's just cuz I lack of confidance and stuff, especially when my way-better-than-meh-friends are there XD
I aspire to one out of six, a mangaka, an author, a graphic designer, a musician, a mechanic * that's because I'll save my time and money if my car broke down* and a...doctor but I've currently lost interest in this one. I live in a sleepy town called Bandar Country Homes, go to school at SMKTD2 and trying to score A's in the exams...who seems to be asked for love advice even though I have been single for the past 14 years of life. I like going out...and hanging out...and doing things that I like.
Tagging 9 friends..
I'll just tag...anyone that knows me in the real world.