About Me

My photo
Nothing much, just passing by~~ Seiichiro Sano, 14 years of age, a tomboy otaku and overall freak! If you have some to say to me, you can contact me through my accounts in nearly....everywhere!~ http://www.facebook.com/yo.sano.chou http://donseiichirosano.deviantart.com/ http://1827addiction.tumblr.com http://http://twitter.com/#!/1827winkz

Tagged ≧∇≦

Rant (20) Drawings (13) School (13) Thoughts (13) Seiichiro Sano vs The World (11) Life (10) Just talk (9) Songs (8) Bored (7) Stories (7) I'm not dead (6) Tired (6) Crack (5) High (5) Rants (5) Charas (3) Hang Out (3) Internet Sucks (3) KHR (3) Loss (3) Pics (3) Story Analysis (3) YAOI (3) Angst (2) Awesomeness (2) Depressed (2) Hair (2) Kids (2) Life as a prefect (2) Movies (2) Runs (2) Albums (1) Aspergers (1) Award~ (1) Celebration (1) Collab (1) Condolence (1) Dreams (1) Exams (1) Foolish Love (1) Friends (1) Gorillaz (1) Graffiti (1) Hate (1) I SWEAR a lot (1) I feel dead (1) Japan (1) Kanon Wakashima (1) Love (1) Malaysia Day (1) Merdeka (1) Music (1) Party (1) Pickup (1) SID (1) Shadrach (1) The Gang (1) Uverworld (1) Valentines (1) gs (1)


Sunday, May 29, 2011

Blogger Award 2011


1. Make a post containing:

  • Say thank you to the person who gave you the award
  • Write about the person who gave you the award
  • Write about yourself
  • There's a banner code and award
  • Give this award to 9 blogger friends
  • Don't forget to leave a message on their tagboard
Say thank you to the person who gave you the award

Clarissa Ng, ARIGATOU GONZAIMAS!!!! Hee~

Write about the person who gave you the award

Hrmm...I call her Usagi-chan and I met her last year at school...we got together because we both liked anime and our interest of Yaoi! She's pretty and she has an awesome additude that's like " Shut the hell up, I was born for this" XDDD She's a cool person to hang with...but don't get her mad or she'll smack you. And she hits like a dude XD We have ass slapping, ass knocking, hand slapping, hand wrestling, and various other mini tournoments at school XD

* but I think I broke my hand ligament and thus, can't arm wrestle with my right hand properly, nor can I throw the lontar peluru XD, not that I'm blaming your or anything ^_^''*

I envy her deeper voice. Period.

A little story of meh.

Well, you all know my name, I'm Earl Seiichiro Sano, 14 years of age, major veteran Otaku, loves to draw hot girls and guys, LOVES YAOI TO DEATH and has an addiction to my own, drawn and 2D men with muscles and tattoes * examples: 21 year old Seiichiro Sano, Hibari Kyoya, Haine Rammiester, Dino Cavalonne, Francois Seiichiro, Frau*

So I'm just a Teen who always seems to be broke, love listening to music, loves to take photographs, loves to shoot MVs...or just plain goof off vids and is different from the rest. I am musically challanged as it seems that I can't play any instrument properly XD but I think that's just cuz I lack of confidance and stuff, especially when my way-better-than-meh-friends are there XD

I aspire to one out of six, a mangaka, an author, a graphic designer, a musician, a mechanic * that's because I'll save my time and money if my car broke down* and a...doctor but I've currently lost interest in this one. I live in a sleepy town called Bandar Country Homes, go to school at SMKTD2 and trying to score A's in the exams...who seems to be asked for love advice even though I have been single for the past 14 years of life. I like going out...and hanging out...and doing things that I like.

Tagging 9 friends..

I'll just tag...anyone that knows me in the real world.

Here I am

Sorry for making you think that I was dead and buried somewhere in Sicily. I had exams and stuff going on in life...so yeah.

I'm still pissed over the fact that I JUST HAD TO destroy this one drawing that I was so freakin proud of...* burst out crying* It was because it was on my KH * social studies?* paper...and then the teach said " Give me them" and then I went and erased it. AND I SPENT LIKE 20 MINS DOING IT.

The drawing was about a somewhat Samurai Woman, she fights with 6 swords * reminds you of someone from Sengoku Basara, doesn't it? Teehee~* but she only uses 3 in the pic because she's dragging this French-Italian-American eight-grader who she's supposed to protect or something.

The reason that I erased it was because it was...sexay and it showed off her curves. And this was from a back view...and she's jumping though the air like a ninja * except I didn't draw all those jump lines..I just wrote it the script* and the corset that she was wearing...was kinda open and it showed off her back and she had tattoes of...IDK, peonies I guess? and a dragon and the word F*CK! just above where her skinnies start stuff like that. So, it's not really school safe and thus, had to be erased incase a teach decided to take a snoop around, at least according to my stupid mind. ARGH, FECKING PISSED RIGHT NOW.

Kohaku-chan * aka Wani-chan* was asking why I was kicking up such a fuss about handover my paper and I told her and this other friend said that " They're not going to check the papers la" and I was like " NOW YOU TELL MEH?!"

IDK why, I've been overeacting on all things anime for the past week. Probably because it's exam week and althought I didn't feel anything at all, I think this is stress comming from being pent up for a couple of months.

Life's been pretty boring...and I have been only able to do measely artworks and 0 stories...although those dreams of mine art actually story-made. Like the one I had yesterday, about me studiying to be a magichian after my father went missing and my elder brother, Sekai...somehow I have the older brother that I have dreamed about, comiting suicide because he couldn't stand year after year being tormented for being a Seiichiro. I WANT A REAL BIG BRO! T_T

In that dream, it was around...I'd say World War 2? Because there was this large War Ship called the Ayanami i the background... in which as far as I known, comes from somewhere between there. Women weren't supposed to learn magic but it sems like I was rather gifted with it since I was born. My brother however, couldn't do it right no matter what he tried. Our father didn't really mind, and both of us kept on cheering Sekai on. Till that day when I turned 7. Father went missing and apparently did something so bad * which wasn't mentioned in the dream* that he disgraced the Seiichiro family name and made us look like black sheeps and thus, everyone began to hate us.

So, the scene zooms to where it's my first day of apprenticehood to a magician who I call Master. Well, turns out I'm not his only apprentice. There's this other kid...who's kinda like Draco Malfoy except that his hair's Orange and Is pulled to one side of the head...like Eric Slingby * I think so* from Kuroshitsuji...and he goes " Why the hell are you learning here, you stupid Seiichiro?"
I zap him and his hair catches on fire. HAHA!

Master's all like " Sano, you shouldn't abuse your powers" while hiding his laughs.

And then we zoom into a scene where my girlfriend * GODS, YES!* calls me into her room. Her name's Giselle, she's a little shorter than me, she's the daughter of the Head Magician and thus is the only girl able to practise magic publicly. She had bright pink hair and neon blue eyes...and when I told my friends, Mushroom Head-chan said "Dude, you have just described a stripper" and I was like " MY GIRLFRIEND---oh...SHIT YOU!" XD

Anyway, she was really cute when she said " Dance with me!" and I was like " Sorry but I don't dance"
" Why not?"
" Because...it makes me feel funny"
" Like how?"
" Like when you embarrass yourself infront of everyone...and then they carry it on"
" Oh...maybe it's because you DON'T know how to dance"
* blushes* " Well...yeah"
" Then I'll teach you!"

And that was like the happiest moment in the dream.

Later, she got shipped off to boarding school and everyone knew about our relationship and they were like " WHY the HELL were you with that Seiichiro" and stuff like that...and the teachers were all like Heimdall from THOR. ALL OF THEM. AIN'T THAT SOMETHING?

And a few crazy adventures that just zoomed in my mind in warpspeed...and I ended up at this one scene where Master's bleeding and that other kid's somewhat dead...and I woke up.


My Line of work over the past month~ Warning, the internet at my house is at an all time low...so I can't arrange anything...

A request...that was sent in a MONTH ago

Same here
Hee, Santa in crayon
Sano in crayon
Cross..using my bro's crayons. I messed up his shoulders and his left arm...and is it me or does he look like that guy from Nononono

Kyoko's older bro and his boyfriend~ HEEE, IT'S CIELO SUPERBIA!!! SON OF SQUALO AND YAMAMOTO!!! >W< XD Well, I wouldn't say that it's my favourite pairing of Yama-tan...but IDK why? Ask that to my mind. Keee....I should stop drawing Bishies * both the men and women* it's starting to addle my brain XD

Some of the children that I've created in my mind...and I have already made plans for a 13th generation boss for the Vongola...which would be Haruame's grandkid.

HEEEE!!!! The well developed girl there is my friend, Kirasaki Kyoko, the girl beside here is Kohaku-chan and then meh~ Well...I was thinking of creating an AU of the Alla Valse universe...where the seven guardians died because of something and Sano's still lives in Japan while being forced to look for new guardians

A comic I sold in school for RM 1.20 when I was 12~ It's basicly a tragic love story XD My chara's Zen and Ginn are just normal teens..except Ginn's made a deal with the Jigoku Lord

This is a preview of it...and yes, this was two years ago

Kisah Remaja or Teenage Stories. The very first comic that I made when I was 11...when my friend, Zaf, gave me a hard cover purple and white polka dot book. So yeah, my drawings were...ugly then XD, Anya-chan actually thought me how to draw people sideways * which I still can't get the lips just right* and...just well, I was a 11 year old then. This is like the remake of it~

First page of Kisah Remaja...haven't decided if it's official or not...


The phone...has my one and only camera. NOW I CAN'T TAKE ANYMORE PICTURES OR VIDEOS. DIES. HOW CAN I GO ON * soul comes out of mouth*

Is there anyone out there nice enough to give meh a new one?

Oh well, I went to FLY FM's campur chart mashup at Pavillion, KL and it ROCKED!!!! I was there for James Baum, Paper plane Pursuit, Hunny Madu, * and the DJing...but I missed Hujan T_T'''

They were like the entire reason I was so crazy about going there...oh well...I bought Paper Plane's EP CD with my allowance. My first ever music CD that I bought. EVER. Damn proud of myself for some reason.

So this is how I spent my Saturday.

1. Wake up at 11, watch movies on Dad's laptop, take a bath while bro's watching Speed Racer * the only reason I watched that one was because Rain was there XD*
2. Come down, finish Speed Racer, watched Stormbreaker...which was kinda a disappointment to me because there were a hell of a lot of things that were different from the book....Liked the part with the horses thought, watch The Superhero Movie and died laughing at all it's Spoof humor, jumped with joy when I noticed that Heroes was going on at TV3 * I have no Astro...kill me*,booed at Skylar for going bad again,

3. Took another bath because I was sweaty and I started to smell * Malaysian weather...it's hot even in the house* got ready with my tie and boardies, went out at 7, reached Pavillion at 7.20 pm, ate some Korean beef bulgogi, be at Campur Chart until 10.30 while sipping on some hot chocolate at Espressamente~

4. Went to Brem Mall at Kepong, watch Pirates of the Carribien and FINALLY at 2:50 am, came back. AHH, I LOVE HOLIDAYS

But one thing that I didn't like was that since it was held outdoors, there were TONS of people smoking. I was in the middle of the crowd...and there were smokers all around me. Not to mention the group I sat infront of with the fam while drinking hot chocolate. Urgh, I know it's the outdoors but could you like save the cancer sticks for later? And when you smoke, could you PLEASE look where the HELL you are EXHALING at? AND MOSTLY, DON'T BLOW IT UP HIGH IN THE AIR! Wind carries it everywhere and mostly straight into other peepz faces =_=

If you don't know how to smoke properly in an area full of people or any at all, then don't. Not everyone wants to die fast.

Seeing animemanga charas like Gokudera smoke looks cool but the real thing hurts my lungs, I've been coughing really badly now...and I think my self diagnosed Bronchitis is getting worse. GREAT. I'll just stick to smoking in manga than the real world.

Like a wise man once said : Ignorance is Bliss.